Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Is everyone having fun yet?

Exploring is a crazy new technique that I am having a little trouble with. Is it okay if I faint at the sight of blood? JK Sorry for all the people that I will unintentionally injure during the course of the next two years. I hope you will all forgive me!

Can you feel me now?

Could you imagine if this were some sort of telecommunications commercial? Can you feel me now?, Can you feel me now?, CAN YOU FEEL ME NOW!!!? (can you hear me now?) JK! Probing is fun, probing is great, I liked probing when I was eight!
Um, I need more practice though, Sorry Holly!
(I am just going to call this an apology blog!) I need to go over the chapter on angulation and adaptation a lot better. Other than being terrible, I'm great!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

blah, blah, blogger

Today was a little stressful. As a dental assistant I am used to patients being numb before I stick an explorer into their gums. My partner was a trooper, thanks Val! I need practice with indireect vision and I need to learn to adapt better to the teeth so I dont pinch the gums too much, OUCH!

Monday, September 18, 2006


Intra-oral exams were great. The thing that I have the most trouble with is the names of the anatomical structures, but it will come as I study more. The other thing that I need to practice is defining my findings. I need a little more practice!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Free Massage!

Clinic was a little slow today. We did extra-oral exams which was the highlight because of the free massage! AHHH! But other than that it was slow and monotonous. But we'll get through!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Thanks instructor Carter!

We had a whirlwind clinic today. I passed off three PE's and had some great feedback from instructor Carter and Prof. Costley. Thanks! I am just trying to stay on top of things and get confident in the new techniques we are learning. So far I am pretty confident, but I do want to continue going over health histories so I don't have to be told what to write, I'll already know.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Clinic is great

Today things went very well. We practiced positions again for wcaling, and using fulcrums. We also did health histories. They take forever! There is a lot to remember when putting the forms together, but I have confidence that I can do it. I totally love clinic because it is hands on and we are working together and learning together. It's fun!