Monday, December 04, 2006

Reflections on Blogging

I feel like I have learned a lot here in the clinic. I am on my way to becoming a hygienist, which I am really excited about. I can't wait til I can go out into practice and scale to my hearts content, teach patients, and just finally feel like I have accomplished what I set out to do.

When I was a patient

I guess I should catch up my blogger. On Nov. 23 I was Holly Spencer's patient. She did really good, but my gums are just super sensitive because I hate to be probed. It is the worst! Other than that, she was fantastic. She even got to pass off her sealant PE, along with Monica and Laurie. The only problem was that the appointment was long and my back started to hurt from sitting there all afternoon!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Ok, so I had my first mock patient today, and holly is a great patient, no calculus, not bleeding, no pathology. If only all of my patients could be like this! Things went really well today. I got through everything.
What a whirlwind! I am the worst hygienist ever! I had three scale checks and still some calculus was hiding. I may need to get my eyes checked! Gross! I love to scale, however, and thankfully I had the most patient patient in the world! I really am going to need a lot more practice, I am slower than poo! I cannot have another scale check like today, all three of them.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Did ya ever see Seinfeld

Ok, so you know on Seinfeld and Kramer and the midget are actors for the medical students and they have to act out different diseases. And Kramer gets gonorrhea and he does so great at acting it out that when he goes back, they give him gonorrhea again, but he doesn't want it so he paints his face yellow and fights with the midget ab out having Jaundice?!?! Well it's great if you haven't seen it. Syncope (syncopay or syncopee), fainting, is charecterized by dizziness, decreased heart rate, and fits of laughter! Let's just say, I am not cut out for acting. It is definately not one of my strong points, so it is a good thing I didn't pursue that career path. Clinic weas great!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I liked doing sealants toady, they went really well. It is a whole lot easier to do them on an adult patient rather than a child. They don't wiggle as much, they keep their mouths open and they can control their saliva a lot better. Ahhh! Well yep that's all.

Monday, November 13, 2006


It's a great thing that we all got our daily intake of sodium, however, I would have liked to get it some other way than by the air powder polisher. Sick! French fries, corn dogs, heck, even the ocean is better than that crap we had to endure. I would never use that thing on someone that I liked! It is great for stains, I'll give it that, but not anything else. It is the most awful thing!

Monday, November 06, 2006


I am finally caught up! Yea! No more sitting through boring clinic with only dextr to work on! That makes me so happy!

I'm Back!

I was really dragging today! I really need to look over how to scale on the posterior teeth, something I haven't done yet! It was crazy! I tell you what! I was totally lost today, I felt like I had been gone for about 2 months! But, the trip was totally worth it, I can catch up later!

Monday, October 23, 2006

T-Minus 33

33 hours till we leave this awful place! Jk I am so excited to leave, and so exhausted from the morning that I am just having the worst time focusing. But I did get through all the modules that I will miss so hopefully I can just jump right in when I get back! We'll see! I love the intra-oral camera, though I have a hard time holding that huge bulky thing. Sometimes when I am holding things with my right hand it just feels completely awkward. I really need to use my right hand more often. I'll have to start writing with it pretty soon!
Well, I'll see everyone when I get back!
Adios Chika's

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

moving right along

Emily, you know I can't write what I really want to in this blog, so don't even ask! Well, we put everything together today. I will say that it is nice to work on a patient that has no medical problems, takes great care of their teeth and is a peer. I am, however, totally excited to really get into someone's mouth and start scraping away! I really like the sound of scaling and being able to see the result of my effort right away. (on supragingival calculus anyway) So, we are moving right along. I can't wait to use the intraoral camera!

Monday, October 16, 2006


Activation, adaptation and angulation. I feel very comfrotable watching someone else scale, but when I do it myself, it somehow is incorrect. I am going to be the worst hygienist if I don't get this down! After scaling, however, it is a lot easier to explore! How does that happen?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Nothing new

Clinic was an overview today, we learned about our instruments first, then we did some probing, exploring, BFI, PFI and charting. I think it went pretty well except that I never know what to write for my charting and stuff because we can never get a straight answer on what we need to be doing. AAARRRRGH!

Monday, October 09, 2006

getting ahead

Today wasn't really the best day to stay in clinic to try and get ahead. It is hard to be in clinic if you don't have a partner. I am realy sorry for whoever wont have a partner when I am gone! I did, however, get some really good studying in on adaptation, angulation and anatomy. It was much needed, I was forced to just study, and sometimes that is what a person needs most. I am getting really excited about leaving for Thailand. I can hardly wait! Can you hear my excitement? I just want to get ahead so I can relax and just thoroughly enjoy my trip.

Plaque Monsters!!!

I know what I am going to be for halloween, a PLAQUE MONSTER!!! We had a great time disclosing each others deepest, darkest, most private secrets about brushing and flossing!!! It was interesting to see where I need to do better, and now I know why I have a cavity where I do. I haven't been brushing well enough! Anyway, clinic was great. We had fun learning today!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Cavities, caries, decay and diagnodent

I hate having cavities!!! Urgh! One lingual is not bad though, I guess. Clinic was great today, I really thought charting went well, and I feel pretty confident with that. I need to keep practicing with my probe, so I hope my husband is ready for some 'poking' fun!!! Hahahahaha! ( evil laugh)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Too hard!

OUCH!!! Ok, all I have to say is don't tick off instructor Carter (when she is already having a hard day) and then hand her a sharp instrument to use on you. Not Smart!!
Um probing is coming along but vveeerrrrryyyy sssslloooowwwwllllyyyyy! I don't think this should normally take an hour to do. So I need more practice. That's about all. Steph did an excellent job!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Is everyone having fun yet?

Exploring is a crazy new technique that I am having a little trouble with. Is it okay if I faint at the sight of blood? JK Sorry for all the people that I will unintentionally injure during the course of the next two years. I hope you will all forgive me!

Can you feel me now?

Could you imagine if this were some sort of telecommunications commercial? Can you feel me now?, Can you feel me now?, CAN YOU FEEL ME NOW!!!? (can you hear me now?) JK! Probing is fun, probing is great, I liked probing when I was eight!
Um, I need more practice though, Sorry Holly!
(I am just going to call this an apology blog!) I need to go over the chapter on angulation and adaptation a lot better. Other than being terrible, I'm great!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

blah, blah, blogger

Today was a little stressful. As a dental assistant I am used to patients being numb before I stick an explorer into their gums. My partner was a trooper, thanks Val! I need practice with indireect vision and I need to learn to adapt better to the teeth so I dont pinch the gums too much, OUCH!

Monday, September 18, 2006


Intra-oral exams were great. The thing that I have the most trouble with is the names of the anatomical structures, but it will come as I study more. The other thing that I need to practice is defining my findings. I need a little more practice!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Free Massage!

Clinic was a little slow today. We did extra-oral exams which was the highlight because of the free massage! AHHH! But other than that it was slow and monotonous. But we'll get through!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Thanks instructor Carter!

We had a whirlwind clinic today. I passed off three PE's and had some great feedback from instructor Carter and Prof. Costley. Thanks! I am just trying to stay on top of things and get confident in the new techniques we are learning. So far I am pretty confident, but I do want to continue going over health histories so I don't have to be told what to write, I'll already know.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Clinic is great

Today things went very well. We practiced positions again for wcaling, and using fulcrums. We also did health histories. They take forever! There is a lot to remember when putting the forms together, but I have confidence that I can do it. I totally love clinic because it is hands on and we are working together and learning together. It's fun!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Today in the lab my pod decided to pass off our pe's. Wow! It was a little bit nerve racking because I didn't want to forget anything! The only thing that I forgot was to store my uniform! So I received a 3, just for forgetting one piddly little thing! That's life in the hygiene program I guess.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

pollyesthertp: The time is now

Ok, so we have been at school 2 days now, yesterday was fantastic, we got situated in clinic and went through setting up and taking down procedures everything went well. Today in Anatomy it felt like review, I am really excited about clinic and anatomy. We'll see how I feel about the other classes as time goes on, but for now, things are pretty good.
Lots of studying I am not used to, since I have been out of school for about 2 years, but hopefully I can start some good study habits.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006