Monday, March 17, 2008


YEAH!!!!! I passed! Halelujah! What a relief to be finished with two boards! I am so happy that I passed that I just can hardly believe it! Shandee, Shaniel and I all studied last week together and it is a good thing that we did cuz I don't know if I would have passed if we hadn't studied together. The test was pretty difficult. I was quite surprised when I opened my packet and read the first question. I knew it was going to be difficult. I combed through my answers carefully and reread them twice before I turned in my exam. While we were waiting for the results, I was so nervous. I counted up the questions I didn't know and there were 12. Borderline for how many you can miss. Then the examiners put the envelopes out and let us check our results. I opened mine fast and lo and behold it said I passed! Amazing! Only Heavenly Father knows how I passed! I know I had help in there.
Well after that I had until 4 til I did the clinical. So Jim and I went home and relaxed. Luckily I was able to take the exam around 2, so we went in and set up, and the examiners were so relaxed. It was great. I did the injections and I had my window up, my angles correct and my rate was ok. I passed! I started to cry I was so excited. I called mom and dad and they took us out to dinner to celebrate. It was great! And I'm so glad it's over!

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