Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Nothing new

Clinic was an overview today, we learned about our instruments first, then we did some probing, exploring, BFI, PFI and charting. I think it went pretty well except that I never know what to write for my charting and stuff because we can never get a straight answer on what we need to be doing. AAARRRRGH!

1 comment:

Em said...

Remember my words...your perio statement will be your worst nightmare. You talk about instructors telling you different stuff well get a load of this. Your perio statement has to do with the tissues of the gingiva, bleeding and bone levels...nothing else. Its either gen healthy with localized marginal ging. or Gen marginal with local health or Gen papillary with gen health etc... You cannot use word such as bleeding, red or blue, no colors!!! As I have heard this many times(just because I tried...many times to use such words) Well to get to the point I heard my first real jaw droper this year, an instructor said "Gen marg ging with localized calculus." I know this doesn't make sense to you right now but when your in your second year and perio statements have been drilled into your head a certain way and then an instructor comes along with that one...well lets just say it was an eye opener. Even as instructors, you have to realize that they too are still learning. It is an ever leaning cycle and sometimes it feels like a cycle from hell, especially when your on the student end!!! Keep your chin up, I so enjoy having you in clinic your a blast to work with.