Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm having a little trouble

Ok, so I scheduled my patients for today Amal in the morning and Adam in the afternoon. However, I saw Raphael, and he only needs one quad scaled and he is done and he could only come this morning - so I cancelled Amal. This afternoon I had scheduled Adam and Bryan needed to get in - so... I cancelled Adam. Well, when I called to confirm Raphael- he said he couldn't come today and I couldn't get a hold of Amal so I had no one this morning. Luckily Jim needed a caries risk assessment so I got something done. However, after jim left I got a call from Mrs. Campbell saying that Bryan had called to cancel. :( Not good, he promised me he would be here so I was basically screwed out of a day. As I was searching for a patient however, a miracle happened. I got a call from one of my flyers from a patient who wanted to get in right away. SO... I got one quad of a class 1B scaled and that was it. I did my best and said my prayers and payed my tithing and things worked out.

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