Tuesday, October 30, 2007

mock board

Well, this was an experience. I had so many mixed feelings coming in today that it is hard to even describe what I was feeling. I was nervous about getting x-rays done cuz I had to take 9 PA's before I even got started. So I barely finished those and then I had to rush checking my patient in, which I was 3 minutes late, luckily no more! After that I was concerned that he might not qualify in the single quad and that I would have to do more teeth, luckily he qualified and things went well there. So I got out my heavy duty ultrasonic and started blasting the heck out of this guys calculus because it is some of the most tenacious stuff I have ever encountered. It was amazing, I just saw chunks of it flying off. So then I went back in with my graceys and fine tuned. I thought that I could feel this massive chunk between 30 and 31 so I was just going to town there. Finally I pulled out my probe to check probe depths and I felt a few more clicks so I went back in for those and then I felt confident enough to send him for the final check. Luckily I passed, I only missed one spot so I felt pretty good about what I had done. I didn't know what to do with all the paperwork however, so I'll have to fine tune the little things and get more signatures, but it sure was a confidence booster to pass the first mock board. I just need to focus on honing my skills.

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