Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today I had another cancellation from Bryan, my class 4 patient. So I called and convinced mom to come and be my patient. It was a very frustrating experience. I had a hard time getting anything done she has the most sensitive teeth I have ever worked on. And to top it off, she wouldn't let me get her numb! So I was frustrated cause I didn't get anything done. Then in the afternoon, I was seeing a 1B and a 3, and I hurried through the 1B, but not fast enough. The class 3 had to leave at 2:30, something he had failed to mention. So, I just feel like I didn't get anything done today! I cannot see any more class 1B's I really need some perio patients!

1 comment:

cheeks said...

Hey's jami anderton...from dr. malans! ha ha ha

So, i love that kami's website has everyone listed, it's fun to look you guys up and see how school is going! Just think... a few more months and all of this nonsense will be worth it when you get your 1st paycheck!! Good luck with all the studying. You will be fine, WSU totally prepares you!

Brett and i live in Ohio can ck our blog out: